Top 10 Array Interview Question with Solution

The array is one of the most frequently asked data structures during the interview. It is one of the favorite topics of the interviewer. The array is a data structure that stores an element in contiguous memory locations.

To solve an array-based question of course you should have good knowledge of the array data structure as well as some basic programming knowledge of loops, recursion, and fundamental operations (like arithmetic).

In this article, I'll share some frequently asked interview questions on the array data structure as well as their solutions in a python programming language.

Here is the list of Top 10 Array-based questions:
  1. Reverse an array in place? (Solution)
  2. Remove duplicate from an array in place? (Solution)
  3. Find duplicate numbers from integer array if it contains duplicates? (Solution)
  4. Sort an integer array in place using the Quicksort algorithm? (Solution)
  5. Find missing numbers from the integer array? (Solution)
  6. Find all pairs of an integer array whose sum is equal to a given number? (Solution)
  7. Check if values in array form a valid mountain? (Solution)
  8. Find a maximum and minimum number from unsorted integer array? (Solution)
  9.  Search for an element in a rotated sorted array? (Solution)
  10. Finding the peak element from an array? (Solution)
Thank you so much for reading this article, if you like these questions please share this with your friends who love programming. And if you have questions or feedback please drop a comment.

All the Best!


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